


The Writing Paper consists of TWO tasks:

Task 1 carries TEN marks.

Task 2 carries TWENTY marks.

Total time allowed: 45 minutes.

Task 1

Last week you saw a new film. Write an e-mail about the film to

your English friend and speak about the following:

• write about the film (story, location, actors …)

• why you liked / did not like the film

• where you like watching films: in the cinema, or at home on

TV/DVD (why)

• if you prefer watching films alone or together with others


Write an e-mail about the film to your English friend ( around 60-

80 words )

Task 2

You have got a letter from your English pen-friend. In his/her

letter he/she describes his/her impressions of visiting the festival

of modern pop-music. Write a letter to your pen-friend and say

 what kinf of music you like best

 how your favourite kind of music makes you feel

 what your parents think about your musical preference

Write your letter in about 120-140 words.

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