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You will like csgo gamble

Bets on the winner of the card.

This market is a little more random - here bookmakers offer to choose the winner of a particular card. Most often, when betting on the favorite of the match, bookmakers offer a slightly lower coefficient for the winner of the card than for the winner of the entire match, but, unlike betting on Dota 2, in CS:GO has the opportunity to rely on statistics on a particular map - a lot depends on which of the teams chooses the cards first.

You will like csgo gamble

It's worth making a reservation here: in the most common bo3 format, teams take turns choosing (beeping) cards. In the standard tournament format, this happens as follows: team 1 removes a card from the list; team 2 removes a card from the list; team 1 selects a card; team 2 selects a card; team 1 removes a card from the list; team 2 removes a card from the list. Thus, the so-called "decider" (decisive card) is played on the card remaining in the list after a series of peaks and bans.

It is worth adding: depending on the format of the tournament, the right of the first peak is obtained in different ways. For example, at ESL tournaments, the team that is lower in the ranking chooses first. Some tournament operators give the right to choose a team according to the HLTV rating, others - by means of a "coin" before the start of the match. So, if we are talking about an ESL tournament, you can carefully study the statistics and already before the match imagine which card will be played first and which will be played second, and, according to statistics, make a choice in favor of one or another team at a bet.

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