


Abominable: darkness of my room feels abominable and unpleasant

Unconvincing: It is unconvincing when he said 'a monster will appear soon'

Purity: everyone should know that a heart needs to be in a state of purity and trust

Contents: instead of writing useless things, you should make the contents meaningful

Contemporary: problems about gender neutrality are growing in the contemporary world

Cognition: In order to perceive difficult lessons, you should maintain cognition till the end

Aspect: people may have different aspects about the event occurred yesterday night

Neurophysiological: (meaning> related to the combination of nerves and physiology)  most of the tasks carried out in our body are neurophysiological

Components: We need multiple components in order to manufacture a car

Remoteness: He told me not to worry if he's abroad because he was confident of working in a 'remoteness' state

Suggest: movie lovers are always alive to suggest a movie to their friends

Opportunity: Don't ever misuse if you get an opportunity to achieve your goals

Unemployment: In some countries, unemployment has become a threat and vastly growing

Uprooting: If a case perpetuates, possible way to get rid of it is to uproot it

Advent: my master's advent into our house was a masterpiece

Satellite: Astronomers are studying about space through sophisticated equipments like satellites

Evolve: a case of a country can be evolved if no one comes forward to face it

Abundance: there is an abundance of unbelievable things  in Paradise

Variety: my mom baked variety of bakeries to treat our guests

Behavioral trait: you should maintain a calm behavioral trait in a public place

Maneuvering: a car driver should be maneuvering when he drives on top of a mountain

Spoil: you're going to spoil your computer if you keep it outside

Shrimping: In my morning walk through the river, i could see fishermen shrimping

Predetermined: When he undertakes a task, everyone says 'he's predetermined, he'll achieve it'

Procedures: there are a lot of procedures before reaching a high post

Advancement: the advancement of this building is  unique and amazing

Dominant: The rule lead by the previous government was dominant and praise-worthy

Avian: scientists are very curious about 'avian' as they studied it thoroughfully

Passerine: passerine birds or passerine is a fact relating to the half of bird's species

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