World Wi-Fi

World Wi-Fi



Description: Free WiFi globally

Date of Token Pre-Sale:

2018-01-28 - 2018-04-16

About the project

World Wi-Fi is a global project built through the collective efforts of the community.

The network will be based on privately owned routers (most of which are residential). Their owners may offer free Internet access and earn cryptocurrency through Internet advertising.

In the end, everybody wins: the guest user no longer pays for access to the internet, the router owners generate revenue by sharing their resource, and advertisers reach their target audience

How it looks like

  • For users

The World Wi-Fi platform provides guest users open internet connections for free, they are only prompted to watch a short ad video when connecting.

  • For owners of routers

Every router owner can install our firmware, create an open network, separated from his private Wi-Fi connection, and start earning cryptocurrency. Other users will see advertsments when connecting to his hot spot, while the owner gets paid by the advertisers for every ad view

  • For advertisers

World Wi-Fi enables the advertisers to reach their target audience with their ads. The platform provides them: precise targeting data, reliable blockchain-based statistical data on conversion of ads on every hot spot, real human audience with no bots

Interesting facts:

  • The project has 4 development strategies (depending on the results of token sale)
  • The project is launched on the basis of existing successful business in the field of Wi-Fi hotspots and advertising in Wi-Fi networks (more than 100 employees and 80 cities)

Token: WT

WETOKEN (WT) Is the utility currency on the WI-FI platform

Hardcap: 25млн USD

Price 1 WT = 0,1 USD

К Accept: ETH

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