


⭐️🔴⭐️Hello, dear investors!

✅ Withdrawal of the ADVC coin will be closed on 25.06.2019

at 09:00 a.m. (London time)!

Those who do not want to withdraw coins, can leave them in the personal account.

then you won’t be able to withdraw coins until 01.10.2019!

You will not be able to withdraw some part coins and leave another.

Either completely withdraw all the coins, or leave all the coins!


💎💰Decide what you want!


❗️❗️ We have registered a patent ❗️❗️

In mid-October, explosive NEWS is waiting fot all investors!

This year, 50-70% of investors will earn more than $100,000.



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After withdrawing the coins to the members’ wallets, the ADVC coin rate may fall on the exchange, as everyone will want to sell their coins as soon as possible.

We will buy coins on the exchange at the lowest price to create conditions for those partners who believed in us!

These partners will be able to sell the coin for at least $15 at the end of 2019 or at the beginning of 2020 as we promised!


🔵Those investors who make a withdrawal of coins, but will not sell coins on the exchange will receive passive income!

(we will send more detailed information in October-November of 2019, or it can be found in the news section of the personal account).


📌The advertisingcoin team did everything we promised!

At the end of 2019 or at the beginning of 2020, you will find passive income and the cost of ADVC over $15!


Best regards,

Advertisingcoin team

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