why buy organic baby mattress

why buy organic baby mattress

why buy new baby mattress

Why Buy Organic Baby Mattress


You would think that since crib mattresses are regulated and certified with a giant safety seal they would be safe. That's not entirely true.A recent study by the University of Texas showed that:- New crib mattresses release about 4x as many VOCs as old crib mattresses. - Body heat increases emissions. - Chemical emissions are strongest in the sleeping infant’s immediate breathing zone.Manufacturers are interested in pushing product out the door for as little money as possible as long at it passes government regulations and these regulations aren't very strict.So why should you buy one of our organic crib mattresses? Is an organic crib mattress necessary? You be the judge.Here are just a few of the unhealthy components found in your standard crib mattress.These fire retardant materials are cause for concern wherever children may come in contact with them. This applies to sofas and any other soft furniture where they may be present, as well as crib mattresses.Countries in Europe have banned them entirely.

PBDE's get stored in the human body with every exposure, making them bioaccumulative.In experiments with mice, PBDE's lead to problems with the thyroid, developmental problems with learning and motor skills, and cancer.PDBE's are not only found in mattresses, you'll find them in televisions, computers, carpets, couches and anything that may have been treated with a fire retardant.Why do you want to avoid cheap glue? Simply put, cheap glues contain a number of chemicals that are harmful to children, and standard crib mattresses contain a disproportionate amount of these glues to keep it firm and rigid.Many of these glues contain volatile organic compounds (VOC's), the same compounds that paint companies are trying to remove from their paints.One of the more important factors in a crib mattress to most parents is a waterproof surface.In standard crib mattresses, waterproofing is achieved with plastics that contain the hazardous compound polyvinyl chloride, or PVC.This outgassing isn't healthy to breathe in, let alone 8-12 hours a night.

Over time, as PVC breaks down, it off-gasses vinyl chloride as well.According to the EPA, Vinyl chloride is a known human carcinogen that causes a rare cancer of the liver. Harmful dioxins are a by-product of the manufacture of vinyl chloride. Dioxins are very toxic to any ecosystem that they may enter.Another negative to vinyl is that it cracks. Urine, feces, sweat etc seep in through these cracks and accumulate in the mattress. Babies breathe this in while they sleep and every time your child jumps it releases an unhealthy plume of air filled with this concoction of bodily fluids.A proper organic crib mattress will not contain any PCV plastics for waterproofing. Waterproof mattress protectors are sold separately for many organic crib mattresses which can be easily washed.Fabrics and batting in crib mattresses are often made with polyester. Why is polyester bad? According to the Ecology Center website, polyester can cause respiratory tract irritation and severe skin rashes.

Watch disposable diapers as well for baby  - they also contain polyester.Most crib mattresses are made with petrochemical-derived foams, such as polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foams and memory foams both give off a chemical odor and have been linked to allergy development and asthma.It's not hype, buying an organic crib mattress could be one of the most important purchases you'll ever make for your baby or child to ensure their safety while they sleep.Check out our organic crib mattresses if you'd like a healthy crib mattress.For more information, please visit our Learning Center.When you are expecting a new baby, shopping for a crib and mattress can be very exciting. But it can also be stressful, once you become aware of the problems surrounding conventional mattress production. Many contain toxic materials such as fire retardants, plasticizers, polyurethane foam, and vinyl (PVC) that have been linked to problems with child development.There is also a theory that SIDS is caused by the toxic chemicals released by conventional crib mattresses.

When a normally harmless household fungus (Scopulariopsis brevicaulis) comes into contact with the elements of phosphorous, arsenic, or antimony that have been found in chemical fire retardants in mattresses, it can generate extremely poisonous gases that are far more toxic than carbon monoxide. (Read more about it here.)New Zealand has been wrapping many of its conventional crib mattresses to seal in the toxic chemicals since 1995 and has noticed a 72 percent reduction in SIDS. The campaign, spearheaded by Dr. T.J. Sprott, has seen nearly 205,000 babies sleeping on wrapped mattresses with no deaths, while crib deaths on unwrapped mattresses were reported to be 975 in the same time period.So it’s definitely a worthwhile investment to buy a ‘clean’ crib mattress for your new baby. If that’s too expensive, then consider purchasing a BabySafe Mattress Cover, which is the non-toxic plastic ‘bag’ used by Dr. Sprott.As a follow-up to my recent post about VOCs emitted from foam crib mattresses, here is a list of alternative green mattresses for your baby:Perfect for really young babies, this mattress is handmade using organic cotton and premium wool batting.

It contains no fire retardants, synthetic fabrics, or petrochemical-based plastics. The 14-person company that makes this mattress uses sustainable practices such as permaculture (i.e. leftover materials are composted by worms) and ensures zero waste of manufacturing byproducts. Available online through Organic Lifestyle.This mattress features a core made of renewable and sustainable plant foam and organic cotton batting. Its cover is also organic cotton for breathability. One side is firmer than the other, making it better for infants; then you can flip it over to the softer side as your baby grows into a toddler. Made in the U.S., this crib mattress contains organic cotton filling with springs to provide firm support. It has no wool or latex, for customers with allergy concerns. The waterproof model contains a non-toxic, food-grade polyethylene surface. Naturepedic uses a naturally-derived fire retardant formula made of baking soda, silica, and cellulose fiber from eucalyptus. Stuffed with a combination of coconut coir and natural latex, this crib mattress is made in the U.S.

It features a removable cover made of organic cotton and wool. The wool acts as a natural fire retardant and water barrier. This crib mattress is made from 4 inches of natural rubber wrapped in organic cheesecloth. The outer removable cover is made of organic cotton jersey fabric. Obasan makes all its products in Ottawa, Canada, and sells them exclusively in store or over the phone. All products are described in detail on their website.Nook is a natural mattress company based in southern California. Its Pebble Pure crib mattress is made with an organic coconut core layered with natural latex foam and organic wool (sourced from local farmers). The covering is made of breathable eucalyptus fibre infused with zinc, which is a non-toxic microbe resister, and organic cotton. ships to U.S. and Canada.This is the only crib that contains memory foam, except that this is entirely natural foam, made using hevea milk (rubber tree sap). The company describes it as “the memory foam we all know and love, but it’s made without the gunk.”

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