



How did it turn out like this?

Why can't I be happy?

I always tried my best

But it feels like my efforts will never be enough.

You already become an unreachable hope for me.

I just want to be happy with you..

People told me there are a lot of better ones. Even you told me that.

But I only want you by my side

I don't care if people call it obsession

But to me it's my true feeling

Why can't I oppose the world's will?

I had been told many times that you're not the one for me

That our relationship would not go well

I wanted to prove to everyone that I can

I once told you that my love wouldn't lose to anyone

But in the end it all went for nothing

How am I supposed to live from now on?

Please tell me

I feel so weak and lonely

Where did my happiness go?

What's wrong with me? Maybe everything?

I just feel so lost now

I don't deserve anything

My happiness will only come in my dreams and past

This pain will never be healed

Yet I still hope that you'll eventually come back to me. Even if it's just as friends.

I never imagined that you would leave me without any trace

Just when I did what you said back then

That I wouldn't love anyone else but you

Now it's just a one-sided feeling that can't be erased

Maybe only time will tell

But I've had enough

I just want to go somewhere far away

To the nothingness where I belong

So everyone will be happy

I just want to disappear

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