where to buy outdoor mattress

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Where To Buy Outdoor Mattress


While it's true that campers rarely expect the 5-star treatment when roughing it out in the wild, it's almost impossible to sleep well on cold, hard ground. Get a good night's sleep with an outdoor sleeping pad or air mattress. This buying guide discusses the types of sleeping pads and air mattresses out there today. Read on for help in finding the best air mattress to take on that next camping trip. Outdoor sleeping pads are mats that people put beneath their sleeping bags to provide extra support and warmth. The pad is portable and can be rolled and put on top of the hiker's backpack for easy transportation. The outdoor sleeping pad is also called a ground pad,, roll mat, sleeping mat, sleeping air mattres,, or inflatable mattress. Some outdoor sleeping pads need to be manually inflated with air while others can simply be rolled out and used immediately. Long ago, sleeping pads weren't really an option and instead, campers simply used cut tree boughs as an insulated barrier from the cold, hard ground.

The tree boughs served as a makeshift sleeping pad. This was practical at the time, but as camping gained in popularity, there simply weren't enough tree boughs to go around. Cutting up tree boughs became an unsustainable practice that was harmful to the environment. Fortunately campers didn't have to rough it for very long, as the first air mattress appeared in 1889. Campers took advantage of its portability and took the mattress with them during camping excursions. However, air mattresses were not really meant to be used outdoors. Poor insulation and leaks from punctures were common problems. The air mattress underwent quite a bit of technological improvement over the years, the most notable one made by Therm-a-Rest.. In the 1970s, this company created an air mattress that could be rolled up tightly to save space, but could also inflate itself by just opening and closing a valve. This self-inflating mattress is still popular today. Today's air mattress has come a long way from its inception.

With a wealth of different models on the market today, a novice camper can be overwhelmed by the many different choices. Here is a quick overview of the different kinds of outdoor sleeping pads. When it first appeared on the scene, the air mattress was marketed as a portable mattress that one could easily stow away when not in use. For this reason, the mattress quickly gained popularity among campers. Air mattresses are typically made from latex or nylon. Inflation requires pumping air into a valve using a battery-powered pump, hand or foot inflator, or even one's mouth. While this mattress provides a lot of cushioning from the hard ground, a small puncture can quickly deflate it. Additionally, air mattresses can have a problem with insulation. Air inside the mattress may rise and fall depending on the temperature of the ground. Freezing cold nights may result in a freezing cold mattress. The open-cell foam pad is characterized by pockets of air that are connected to one another.

Air circulates between these pockets and when force is applied, air is displaced to cushion the force. Open-cell foam pads are generally more comfortable and affordable, yet one should use caution when using this model in wet conditions. Because of its "open" nature, the air can be displaced by water. If one is camping in wet conditions, the foam pad will absorb water like a sponge and this can lead to a very unpleasant camping experience. In contrast, the closed-cell foam pad is denser and can hold body heat longer. Not only that, it is also made from water-resistant polyester, which helps if one normally camps in wet conditions. Closed-cell foam pads are normally lightweight, which is something veteran campers consider when climbing up steep terrain. While it is easy to transport, most find that this kind of mat does not provide a cushioned sleeping experience. The closed-cell design will not compress under the weight of a person's body. Instead, the pad pushes back, creating a very firm mattress.

This can be unsettling if one is used to a soft bed. The self-inflatable pad is essentially an open-cell sleeping pad that is covered by inflatable water-resistant material. Simply opening a valve will cause the mattress to draw air into itself and start inflating. The possibility of punctures is a big concern with this model. Be careful to inspect the ground beneath this pad to avoid contact with any sharp twigs, rocks, or other objects that might pierce it. That said, self-inflatable pads offer the best of both worlds. They provide cushiony softness that is both well-insulated and easy to carry. However, this is also the most expensive type of outdoor sleeping pad on the market today. Choosing an outdoor sleeping pad often depends on one's camping activities. Generally, there are two kinds of campers: the casual camper and the experienced backpacker. Campers who plan to drive all the way to the campsite probably won't be concerned with the weight of their equipment. In that case, self-inflating sleeping pads or even the traditional air mattress will provide optimum comfort and a sound night's sleep.

To maximize comfort, shoppers should consider choosing a pad with insulating properties to keep out the cold night air. Having lightweight gear is important when backpacking through the wilderness. When facing steep inclines and dangerous ledges, the less weight a hiker carries the better. Closed-cell sleeping pads are best for activities that require extreme agility and mobility. If the backpacker can afford to carry a few extra pounds of weight, however, he or she should consider a lightweight self-inflating sleeping pad instead. Many people prefer to carry the extra pounds just so they get a good night's sleep. Backpackers and casual campers have a lot of choices when it comes to sleeping pads. Some of the more prominent brands are the following: Therm-a-Rest, Gossamer Gear, Exped, REI, Big Agnes, and Pacific Outdoor. While these brands can be purchased at most major department stores, they can also be found on eBay. There are many ways to go about buying outdoor sleeping pads on eBay.

For starters, you can begin by going to the eBay homepage and key in "outdoor sleeping pad." If this does not bring up thousands of listings, then look for the checkbox underneath the search button that says "Include Description." Click on that and repeat the search. eBay will now search through product listing titles and descriptions as well. This method should maximize your results. Another search method is to click on the specific category in the sidebar. For outdoor sleeping pads and air mattresses, you can begin by clicking on "Sporting Goods" in the left-hand sidebar. Then look under "Browse By," hover over "Outdoor Sports," move to "Camping & Hiking," and slide to "Sleeping Gear" until you reach "Mattresses & Pads." This will refine your search to air mattresses and outdoor sleeping pads within the Camping & Hiking section. Buying on eBay is easy if you know how to do it properly. Here are some things that you need to remember. Make sure that you really look through the product description and pictures so you know what you're buying.

Unlike shopping at a traditional store where you get to inspect the product firsthand, your eBay purchase is dependent on the copy. If you have problems with the product received or if you did not receive it at all, you may be covered by the eBay Buyer Protection policy. This will entitle you to a refund that includes the shipping fees. Another factor that you should take into consideration is seller feedback. Feedback scores and stars will indicate a trustworthy eBay seller. Look for a star next to the seller's username. The color of the star is directly related to the number of positive feedback ratings that the seller has received from happy clients. The best sellers are the ones with 99% and above positive feedback. Occasionally sellers accidentally leave out portions of the description that are important to you as a buyer. This is why it is important for you to ask about anything that confuses you. For example, two different eBay sellers may offer the same new outdoor sleeping pad, but one may have a manufacturer's warranty while the other seller may have lost it.

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