where to buy bed risers in canada

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Where To Buy Bed Risers In Canada


For several years now, Joe and I have had no bedframe. Our mattress and box spring sit on the floor. I know that there are those of you who would think this uncivilized, but it has several advantages. 1. The bed never squeaks. 2. You don’t have to worry about what’s under the bed. 3. You don’t have to sweep under the bed. (Not that I would sweep under the bed, but I would feel guilty about it.) 4. You don’t need a fancy-arse bedskirt that’s eventually going to need washing and won’t be washed and will just become another piece of housework that mocks you at the beginning and end of every day. That said, this weekend, in some sort of sunlight induced organizational fervor, I bought a bedframe. (This organizational fit happens to me every spring/fall. I believe it to be the result of a complex chain of events involving a sale at Ikea and a change in the weather. I can’t explain it.) Despite the very good reasons outlined above, I got to thinking that the downside of not having an under-the-bed location was that I couldn’t have underbed storage.

If you live in an old house, a house without closets…you will understand the seductive nature of the “underbed storage box“. It’s like offering someone another wing on the house. I get a little sweaty just thinking about it. We spent an hour this morning putting the ridiculous metal bedframe together, complete with a tape measure injury to my thumb that resulted in bloodloss, as well as a moment of marital discord when there were *some* pieces left over. (This doesn’t bother me. It *does* bother Joe. Usually the idea of something falling apart because you didn’t use all the screws would bug me, but it’s a stinking bedframe. What’s the worse that can happen? You can fall 30cm onto the floor. If we were assembling a roller coaster I’d discuss it. For now, all I wanted was the stupid bedframe that I’m only having because I’m psyched about the under-bed storage put together with a bed on top of it. Frame assembled, there are a few awkward moments where we stagger around trying to get the mattress atop the wheeled thing (made criminally more difficult by the fact that I had already re-organized the closet (read “took everything out and threw it on the floor”) in preparation for all of those things going into my fancy new under-bed storage bins.

I know a more organized less excited woman would have done things in a different order, but screw it.) but eventually we prevail. Joe and I step back, I reach for the glory that is my storage salvation…the underbed storage box, and go to slide it under the bed.See where it says “easy to push….in under the bed”? See what it says? Would that not mean in every sane and sensible way, that Ikea intends for this box to fit under the bed? IT DOES NOT FIT UNDER THE BED. It is a standard bedframe, it is an Ikea “under the bed” box and the under the bed box will not fit. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “Well sure Steph, it’s all part of the Ikea scam. Ikea under the bed boxes only fit under Ikea beds. You shouldn’t have bought the frame at The Bay. You deserve everything you get from Ikea….and more. This frustration you are feeling is the natural consequence of stepping outside of the Ikea family of products.”I give you exhibit A: This is what we had to do to the girls IKEA bunk beds to get the IKEA under the bed boxes to fit under the bed in the girls room.

We added little blocks of wood to the legs to lift the bed up enough to fit the boxed underneath. Unfortunately, this brilliant McGyver-esque solution is not going to work on the metal bedframe with wheels. I warn you now, learn from my pain. It is a false promise of underbed storage held out by Ikea to taunt me with the concept of a clear closet, a place to keep sweaters and room for the ever expanding stash the things that we need space for. I have been led on by Ikea and I am crushed. I own a bedframe for no reason. I have wasted a morning of my life and my bedroom is trashed. My fury is crimson. I will be discussing this with Ikea at some length. Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question The best answers are voted up and rise to the top If the bed were a few inches higher, I would be able to store my suitcase beneath it. Is there anyway to raise it and still be able to support a person lying down? I may be looking for something like this though $20 seems a bit much for something that gives a few more inches and I'm in Canada.

I've heard of using milk crates but wouldn't they break? If not, where would I get them from? The bed has wheels and is for a single person. Go to your local hardware store and buy 4 of these. Bring them home, and lay them on their side. $6 and you have a very sturdy 8" lift. If you need higher, buy 4 more. If it is too heavy for you, pay a youngster $10 to haul them up the stairs. Go get yourself an 8' untreated 4x4 (~$10.00). Determine how much higher you'd like the bed to be, then cut the 4x4 in appropriate lengths adding an inch to each length. If you want the bed to be 4" higher, cut the 4x4 in 5" lengths. using a spade or Forstner bit of appropriate size (just slightly larger than the bed frames feet, so the feet will fit into the hole), bore a hole to the depth of one inch. place the frame on the 4x4 pieces, such that the feet of the frame sit in the holes you bored. Make sure you use untreated wood. Pressure treated wood may damage, and/or stain your bed frame and flooring.

I'm assuming you have a drill press and the appropriate bits, so the cost of the project only includes the lumber. Making the leg extensions too high could cause the bed to be unstable, leading to property damage, injury, and or death. We use a set of those lifters you linked for our king-size bed. I would NOT use milk crates, as their open frame isn't designed for point-weight support like a bed frame foot. If you're looking for a low-cost lift of a couple inches, a small piece of lumber (4" length of 2x4, for example) would work fine. Be aware, most basic bed frames have wheels, and can roll off blocks of wood. This can be a bit shocking, as it's likely to happen when you're moving on/off the bed. One advantage of the $20 lifters is they have a lip which traps the wheel. They also interlock, so if you need to lift the bed a bit higher (2 lifters worth) it's still shear safe. Whatever you place under the feet of the bed, make sure you raise ALL of the bed feet the same distance.

Larger beds (kings, some queens) have supports in the middle of the bed as well as corner supports; they must all be lifted equally. Other than that, anything which will support the weight without collapsing will work. The above applies to basic angle-brace steel frames. More sophisticated/expensive frames which incorporated head or foot boards or other features may not be liftable this way. Well... the basic idea of "lift ALL the feet equally" should still apply, but you may have to do something to also lift the header/footer. These concerns will be much more frame specific, and we'd need more information (pictures?) to properly answer. The best way to raise your bed is too use a product designed for the task. These bed risers from The Sleep Shop will do the trick. They're going to raise your bed about three inches but keep the sturdiness so there's no rocking! They aren't the prettiest things but, they'll work! First you need a base. I suggest you go to the local hardware store and get the thickest piece of plywood.

You need something that is the same size of your bed but rigid - actually have them cut it about 2 inches short lengthwise and widthwise so that the board is hidden on each side. Bonus - look on craigslist for old bed frames being throw out, wood, old tables or whatever. You have to look for stuff in your area and use your imagination a little. You might need a circular saw (or beg the person throwing out the wood to cut whatever for you). This could be free or $12 for the plywood at big box. Then I would use milk crates. How many you need depends on how stable you want your bed to be and how big your bed is. A basic twin with a board under it can definitely be held by just 4. You could add a couple in the middle and go 3 on each side if you want extra reinforcement. You can get these for free at some recycling centers or supermarkets. Myself I had a rig like this in college but used textbooks instead of milk crates. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Email and Password

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