where to buy a wheelchair in perth

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Where To Buy A Wheelchair In Perth


New ReleasesNo items were found in this section. 40-42 Montefiore Street, Fairfield Fax: (+613) 9480 3177 Phone: (+613) 9495 1955Rehabilitation & Mobility Specialists Karma Mobility was founded in 1987 and was the first company to introduce aluminium frame wheelchairs to Asia, Karma Mobility has since grown to become one of Asia's largest, most innovative wheelchair providers. The comprehensive range of Karma products offers mobility solutions for a wide variety of requirements giving choice and control to end users. Chair Model, Purchase Date, Dimensions, left or right side As many parts are interchangeable between models the Accessory Part shown may be illustrated on a different model wheelchair to the one that is required. The wheelchair makes its river crossing from Thailand into Myanmar In a small village in Myanmar's jungle, a young boy is getting around with the help of a new wheelchair that has come all the way from Western Australia.The wheelchair is number 32,468.

It was put together by a group of retirees working out of Perth's Wheelchairs for Kids workshop.Wheelchairs for Kids is made up of 170 volunteers, who turn out 240 wheelchairs a month. They have been sent to children in 66 countries.Wheelchair number 32,468 had a long journey to get to its intended recipient, nine-year-old Saw Beebe.After leaving Australia bound for Bangkok, the chair travelled to the Thai border.From there it was loaded onto a small wooden boat to cross the Moie River into Myanmar. Nine-year-old Saw Beebe was struck down by a bacterial infection two years ago. Its final destination was Thay Maw Ku, a small village in Karen State, inaccessible except by foot for much of the year.Kanchana Thornton, from the Burma Children's Medical Fund, said it was the first time any wheelchair has made it to this village."We took some of these wheelchairs inside previously and word spread, and they all come now and request for support because they never received this sort of support before," she said.

The chair will be life-changing for Saw Beebe and his family.He was struck down by a bacterial infection two years ago and has not been able to walk or talk since.Saw Beebe's mother Mu Naw Gay, 37, said her son was a happy child up until his illness."If he heard the sound of music he would always dance. He is not shy. At first when people see him with this condition, they cried. He had a lot of friends," she said.Naw Wai, Saw Beebe's grandmother, said the wheelchair would be a big help."We will not need to carry him around anymore. He will be able to sit down and only lay down when he gets tired," she said."We feel grateful to everyone, you have to come a long way here, to help us." Wheelchairs for Kids is made up of 170 volunteers. Back at the Perth workshop, Rotarian Gordon Hudson said the volunteers get plenty of job satisfaction from their work."Satisfaction, plus the spirit of all working together," he said."In fact we have about 40 volunteers come in each morning for each different shift each day, and for instance if we don't have any work to do which is very rare, they still come in for a cup of tea.

Each wheelchair costs about $200 to make and they have the approval of the World Health Organisation.Watch the story tonight on Lateline at 9.30pm (AEST) on ABC News 24 or 10.30pm on ABC TV.ILC Hire specialises in the short-term hire of equipment for older people and people with disability throughout Western Australia. ILC Hire provides an opportunity to trial equipment to determine its suitability prior to purchase, assists those whose rapidly changing needs makes equipment purchase impractical, and meets short-term needs such as post surgery. ILC Hire provides access to a wide range of equipment & daily living products including: There are no restrictions on who can use our services, however we do recommend seeking the support of a relevant health care professional when hiring some types of equipment. This can include mobility aids, disability aids, equipment for the elderly and other daily living products in Perth or Western Australia. Our hire fees for all equipment including both disability and mobility aids currently range between $15 – $250 for a 4 week period.

Additional charges may apply for courier/postage fees as well as for the repair and replacement of damaged or lost goods. ILC Hire is funded through the Disability Services Commission and Home and Community Care (HACC). To learn more about our ILC Hire , please click here. If your requested equipment is not immediately available or is required for a future date, please make a booking. For more information about our hire equipment, including mobility aids in Perth, equipment for the elderly and disability aids, please consult our stock lists below. Information specific to the hire of child car restraints is available here. Please do not hesitate to contact ILC Hire for any additional information and pricing. Telephone: 08 9381 0606 or 1300 885 886 Fax: 08 9381 0666 Open: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm WST Maximum dimensions and other essential information. If you use a mobility aid such as a wheelchair or motorised scooter and it meets the specifications you can see below, you may take it anywhere on our network.

However, only some buses are accessible and you should read the information on Disability Assistance. Some oversized wheelchairs and scooters are too big to take on board. Your mobility aid should Fit entirely inside within a 1300 mm by 800 mm space - this is the size of the allocated places on buses, trains and ferries. Be no more than 750 mm wide. Weigh less than 300 kg including you and an assistant if you have one - this is the safe weight limit of boarding devices such as ramps. Your mobility aid needs to Be able to move backwards and forwards when required. Have an effective braking system that completely stops it moving. To board trains, buses and ferries your mobility aid should be able to Turn 180 degrees within an area 2070 mm by 1540 mm. Cross a horizontal gap up to 50 mm wide. Mount a vertical rise (bump) up to 15 mm. Cross grating gaps up to 13 mm wide and 150 mm long. Cross a gap up to 75 mm wide if you are accessing pedestrian level crossings.

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