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Where Can I Buy K2 Vitamins


Vitamins D & K2 (30 per Bottle): 90 Day Supply Best if used By: This Item: Vitamins D & K2 (30 per Bottle): 90 Day Supply Astaxanthin (30 per bottle): 30 Day Supply There is a combination of nutrients that I highly recommend to support your overall health… vitamin D and vitamin K2. I sought a supplement that supplied both of these nutrients in the optimal doses for my mother, and to my amazement, I couldn’t find one on the market that met my high-quality standards. Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 work together synergistically – each nutrient aiding the other in its functions. Taken together, the nutrients can effectively support your overall heart health, your vascular (arteries and veins) system, and your respiratory and immune systems.* They also help you maintain strong bones, among many other benefits.* My Vitamins D & K2 supplement: Supplies 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 – the optimal level providing an effective daily dose Provides 180 mcg of vitamin K2 as the MK-7 (MenaQ7®) form – the optimal level of K2 in the only patented, clinically supported form on the market today to promote healthy, flexible arteries and overall heart health, as well as bone health*

Utilizes vitamin K2 produced from chickpeas – proven to be one of the most bioavailable, stable, and beneficial varieties* Is soy-free to avoid potential allergen concerns Uses only non-bioengineered ingredients Is free from magnesium stearate – an ingredient added to many supplements that doesn’t provide any health benefits but may be detrimental to your immune system* Plus, with my Vitamins D & K2 formula, you only have to take one serving a day, as opposed to multiple times a day with many other formulas that use vitamin K2 as the MK-4 form. With my Vitamins D & K2 formula, you get optimal absorption in an easy-to-take, once-a-day capsule serving. So don’t take a chance on becoming deficient in these crucial nutrients that impact almost every system and function in your body. Order my optimized Vitamins D & K2 formula today for your entire family! Available in a 30-day or 90-day supply. Discover More about Dr. Mercola's Vitamins D and K2

Price found an inverse correlation between the levels of K2 in butter and mortality from cardiovascular disease and pneumonia in a number of different regions. A recent study examined the relationship between K2 (MK-4 through 10) consumption and heart attack risk in 4,600 Dutch men. They found a strong inverse association between K2 consumption and heart attack mortality risk. Men with the highest K2 consumption had a whopping 51% lower risk of heart attack mortality and a 26% lower risk of death from all causes compared to men eating the least K2! Their sources of K2 MK-4 were eggs, meats and dairy. They obtained MK-5 through MK-10 from fermented foods and fish. The investigators found no association with K1, the form found in plants.We encountered an issue that prevented us from completing your request. We apologize for the inconvenience.Please try your request again. Shop online and save instantly on hundredsof Wellness Products from Melaleuca.Add new customers online, run reports, analyze and set your goals.

Why we need it Vitamin K2 regulates calcium by taking it out of our blood and putting it into our bones, where it belongs, instead of soft tissue like arteries.* * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. How much do I need? There is currently no recommended daily intake (RDI) for vitamin K2. The RDI for vitamin K is 80-120 mcg for adults, and 30-75 mcg for children ages 3 to 18.1 Why we include it Vitamin K comes in a few different forms. Vitamin K1 – the form primarily responsible for blood clotting – is found in in green, leafy vegetables like kale and broccoli, and is relatively easy to get through the diet. Vitamin K2 in the form of menaquinone-4 (MK-4) is found in meat, especially organ meats like liver. Vitamin K2 in the form of menaquinone-7 (MK-7) is only found in large amounts in natto, a fermented soy product. It’s this MK-7 form of vitamin K that has clinically-proven bone-building properties2 and lasts the longest in the bloodstream3.

It is also the most rare in the western diet; this is why we chose to use the MK-7 form of vitamin K2. Where can I get it? 3 oz natto – 939 mcg 3 oz blue cheese – 3 mcg (French) – 22 mcg (English) 3 oz beef liver – 3 mcg 3 oz pork liver – 3 mcg 3 oz cheddar cheese – 2 mcg 3 oz Leicester cheese – 2 mcg 3 oz Edam cheese – 1 mcg Vitamin K is an important part of natural blood clotting. If you are taking Coumadin, Warfarin or a similar blood-thinning drug, be sure to consult your health care provider before taking any supplement that includes Vitamin K. We recommend you seek the advice of your pediatrician or primary care provider before making changes to you or your child’s nutrient intake. Adult Complete and Fiber DOUBLE BONUS: OMEGA 3s AND FIBER THE UNCONDITIONAL VITAMIN, GOOD NO MATTER WHAT Get smarty updates delivered straight to your inbox.Vitamin K plays an important role in supporting bone and joint health.**In a 2006 Vitamin K study, people who got enough Vitamin K every day had improved joint health compared to those who didn't.***Vitamin K is important for normal blood clotting.*****Neogi, T. et al. Arthrts & Rhmtsm. 2006.

4(54) April: 1255-1261Above Statements not applicable to all products belowStay Connected With Dr. Weil - Get Free Newsletters Right In Your InboxVitamin K is an essential vitamin required for protein modification and blood clotting. Recent studies suggest that vitamin K may play a role in treating osteoporosis and Alzheimer's, and that consuming increased levels of vitamin K can help protect against cancer and heart disease. Unless you are taking medication to prevent blood clots, like Warfarin or Coumadin, there is no known risk of vitamin K toxicity, and no reason not to eat a lot of it. Below is a list of foods high in vitamin K. For more, see the extended list of , and . The current daily value for Vitamin K is 80 micrograms (μg). Dried Sage & Dried Thyme (107%), Fresh Parsley (82%), Dried Coriander (Cilantro) & Dried Parsley (34%), Dried Marjoram (16%), Fresh Basil (13%), and Fresh Chives (8%). Frozen Kale (1433%), Frozen Spinach (1284%), Mustard Greens (1037%), Spinach (1111%), Collards (966%), Beet Greens (871%), Swiss Chard (716%), Turnip Greens (662%), Dandelion Greens (471%), and Broccoli Raab (272%).

Garden Cress (339%), Endive (144%), Radicchio (128%), Chicory Greens (108%), Watercress (106%), Cos (Romaine) Lettuce (60%), Green Lettuce (57%), Red Lettuce (49%), Celery (37%), Arugula (Rocket) (25%), Iceberg Lettuce & Cucumber (22%). Broccoli (276%), Cabbage (204%), Frozen Broccoli (203%), Chinese Broccoli (93%), Red Cabbage (90%), Pak Choi (72%), Savoy Cabbage, raw (60%), and Cauliflower (22%). Curry Powder & Paprika (7%), and Cayenne Pepper (5%). Frozen Asparagus, cooked (180%), Leeks, cooked (152%), Okra, cooked (80%) and Fennel, raw (68%). Dill Pickle (54%), Sour Pickle (38%) and Sweet Pickle Relish (16%) per tablespoon. Raw Soybeans (109%), and Roasted Soybeans (Edamame)(108%). Soybean (32%), Canola (Rapeseed) (12%), and Sesame Oil (2%). Blueberries (120%), Pears (46%), Peaches (31%), Figs (29%), and Currants (15%). Health Benefits of Vitamin K Bone Health and Osteoporosis - Vitamin K is necessary for creation of the protein: S. Osteocalcin, which in turn

synthesizes osteoblasts: bone forming cells. In short, vitamin K is necessary for the strength and maintenance of bones.2-4 Alzheimer's Protection (*Controversial) - Vitamin K has been shown to inhibit nerve cell death due to oxidative stress, the degree to which supplementation prevents Alzheimer's still needs to be researched.5 Vitamin K Guidelines when taking Warfarin (Coumadin) A low INR means you have increased risk of clotting A high INR means you have an increased risk of bleedingVitamin K decreases it Most doctors aim to keep INR around 2-3, but can range to 2.5-3.5 for heart valves or other extreme cases Regularly check your PT/INR levels Take the same amount of Warfarin at the same time each day Keep your intake of vitamin K consistent from day to day When a doctor prescribes Warfarin, they are trying to balance it with how much vitamin K you eat The amount of vitamin K you can eat depends on your dosage of Warfarin, but in general...

Eat no more than 1 serving of food that contains 200%-600% DV of vitamin K Eat no more than 3 servings of foods that contain 60-200% DV of vitamin K Eliminate alcohol if you can, or limit yourself to no more than 3 drinks a day Take no more than 800IU of vitamin E supplements Avoid cranberries and cranberry juice as they can raise INR and risk of bleeding Limit or avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice Avoid drinking green tea as it antagonizes Warfarin and lowers INR Work with your doctor when taking CoQ10 as it can hamper the effectiveness of Warfarin Many natural supplements affect PT/INR levels, so it is best to avoid them unless your doctor advises otherwise. The following supplements definitely affect PT/INR levels: arnica, bilberry, butchers broom, cat's claw, dong quai, feverfew, forskolin, garlic, ginger, gingko, horse chestnut, insositol hexaphosphate, licorice, melilot(sweet clover), pau d'arco, red clover, St. John's wort, sweet woodruff, turmeric, willow bark, and wheat grass.

To find foods low in vitamin K, see the article on low vitamin K foods, check the for a particular food, or use the to find low vitamin K foods in a particular food group. Source: Office of Dietary Supplements Fact Sheet on Warfarin and Vitamin KWarnings Soybean Oil, Dry Roasted Soybeans, and Cashews are high calorie foods and should be eaten in moderate amounts by people with a high body mass index. People taking Warfarin (or Coumadin) in an attempt to reduce their risk of harmful blood clots should keep their intake vitamin K the same from day to day, and limit their intake of vitamin K in accordance with their dosage and doctor's instructions.6 See the article on Low Vitamin K Foods for more info. ReferencesUSDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 20, 26.Shearer MJ. The roles of vitamins D and K in bone health and osteoporosis prevention. Proc Nutr Soc. 1997;56(3):915-937. Booth SL. Skeletal functions of vitamin K-dependent proteins: not just for clotting anymore.

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