where can i buy a futon mattress in dallas

where can i buy a futon mattress in dallas

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Where Can I Buy A Futon Mattress In Dallas


Tips for Finding a Mattress on Craigslist We all know how expensive mattresses can be. We spend such a huge part of our lives sleeping on our beds, it's important that we get the best mattress possible, right? Sometimes it's a bit hard to afford an amazing mattress. Luckily I have compiled some tips for the terrifying task of finding a mattress on Craigslist. About a year ago I asked How Do I Make a Futon Work as a Bed? Hilariously enough, you all told me to never try and use a futon mattress over a regular mattress. Last year I purchased a dingy futon off of craigslist for $50 and struggled through back pain (hey, I'm only 23!) and sleepless nights. I feel as though I may have to apologize to you, my trusty readers, for not listening to your advice. I'm always trying to save money and do things the cheapest possible way. I now know the importance of owning a great mattress, but what if I can't afford one? So, it's time to look to Craigslist again. I think everyone is a little wary of buying something like a mattress of of Craigslist.

Might as well be purchasing someone's used tighty wighties right? Well, I've come up with a list of tips to make your Craigslist mattress search much easier! Look for honesty: You want to seek out the listings where the seller is completely honest. It's okay if they mention some minor wear on one of the corners. The best option is when they state how old the mattress is, what brand or manufacturer, or an explanation as to why they are purging. Look for personality: Find a seller that seems to give a little personality into their post. You want to interact with a seller that is going to be personable. That way you can feel more comfortable asking questions and hopefully they'll be nice enough to give you answers! Quality of photographs: This one is super important. Look for the posts where the mattress is well photographed. Never go for a mattress where the image is clearly the stock photo taken off a mattress store website. Bonus points if the seller takes a photo of the minor damage or label of the mattress.

Search "By Owner": If you select "By-owner" rather than "By-dealer" you won't get those cheap looking ads that almost always look like a scam. Yes, they are trying to sell you brand new mattresses, but usually from a warehouse or back alley. If you've had experience with the "by-dealer" option, let me know in the comments. I've always been curious to see if these mattresses are authentic. I would personally rather buy my mattress from a real person who can tell me the history of the mattress. Watch grammar: A lot of bots that post spam on Craigslist use weird grammar or throw in sentences that don't make sense. Unfortunately, you may just be looking at an ad coming from someone with terrible grammar. Be wary of bed bugs: Check the mattress for tell-tale signs of bed bugs — small red or brown spots and other signs of the little critters. If you see even the slightest indication, run the other way! Image: Flickr member robotpolisher. Licensed for use by Creative Commons.

Japanese futons are cool in the summer, warm in the winter. These step-by-step instructions show you how to be a good guest when staying at a traditional Japanese inn or ryokan where you normally are expected to make your own bed. A futon is a Japanese bed. Totally different from the low-slung western sofa-bed with the same name, the futon of Japan lays directly on the floor, typically atop a tatami or other soft mat. Because the Japanese are very hygienic they lay out and fold up their beds daily. As a guest at a ryokan or inn you often are expected to do the same. Not doing so is impolite. On a sunny Sunday futons hang from apartment building balcony railings to receive their weekly freshening. Sometimes the comforter (kakebuton, かけぶとん, 掛け布団) has fabric loops on each corner and the fitted sheet (shiitsu, シーツ) has ties on the inside at the corners. Tying these together helps keep the sheet in place. Sometimes the innkeeper or host lays out the futon for you on your first night.

On subsequent nights you prepare your own bedding. Because you never leave your futon spread out during the day, every morning you fold it up properly yourself. Learning how to lay out and fold up a futon ahead of time gives you confidence when the time comes to do it on your own. A futon contains these elements: You may also be given a thin, fabric-covered mat for a bottom layer. Your host provides a Japanese pillow (makura) for your use. These are about half the size of an American bed pillow. They are filled with buckwheat husks, beans or small synthetic beads which allow the pillow to conform to the shape of your head and neck. If you do not want to use a makura, ask your host for a stuffed pillow or put folded clothes or towels in the pillowcase. Each morning fold the futon and store it in the area provided. This could be a closet or cabinet, or the corner of the room. Japanese store their futons for several reasons. If the bedding is left out, it is in the way all day long and limits the usage of the room.

Putting it away frees the room for uses other than sleeping. Futons left in place tend to get dirty, collect odors, mold and dust. Also, the tatami floor needs to have air circulation. Futons need to be aired and fluffed frequently. The host takes care of this aspect between guests. You are expected to store the futon daily. It is considered bad manners to leave your futon out all day on the tatami flooring. Japanese futons are quite different than western-style futons which feature thick mattresses on wood or metal frames that can convert from a bed to seating. Japanese futons can be very comfortable and cozy while providing a good night's rest. Even if you do not choose to use Japanese bedding every night during your visit, a trip to Japan is incomplete without at least sampling the Japanese way of sleeping. Oyasumi nasai (sleep well!, おやすみなさい!, お休みなさい!) At Sleepy's, we roll out the red carpet for you with this premium service - tailored to YOUR schedule.

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