where can I download Yosemite Big Walls by Chris McNamara english book look reading eReader

where can I download Yosemite Big Walls by Chris McNamara english book look reading eReader

where can I download Yosemite Big Walls by Chris McNamara english book look reading eReader

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Book description
Yosemite Big Walls is the most current, detailed, and accurate guide to climbing Yosemites most classic walls. This guidebook includes unprecedented route detail such as climbing strategy, retreat information, descent topos, pitch lengths, and gear recommendations for each pitch. In addition, Yosemite Big Walls includes historical information, garnered from interviews with those that did the first ascents, that brings these spectacular big wall climbs to life. Yosemite Big Walls covers 55 of the best big wall routes on El Capitan, Half Dome, Washington Column, and many others, all of which were personally climbed and documented by authors Chris McNamara and Erik Sloan.
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