where can I download Warhammer 40,000: Tau Empire by Games Workshop download book free pdf

where can I download Warhammer 40,000: Tau Empire by Games Workshop download book free pdf

where can I download Warhammer 40,000: Tau Empire by Games Workshop download book free pdf

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Book description

Book description
Ive owned and played many Warhammer 40,000 armies over the years but the Tau was one that never really appealed to me (I did own a Tau army once that I bought second-hand but I sold it back to the original owner before I even got to play a game with it because he was dying to have it back). The Tau reminded me of what Halos Covenant represent- a collection of different alien races that are joined together by a common cause (Im not sure which one came first but Im sure I could find the answer with a quick search online).I always felt the Tau had an anime/Gundam-style to them (and I like anime but not so much in Warhammer 40,000) and I liked their openness to technology and its advancement without the spiritual naГЇve beliefs/constraints of the Imperium or the advanced, but seemingly mystic, technology of the Eldar. Despite my lack of interest in the Tau, I am a big fan of the Kroot. I like their fluff, their close combat skill, and their unique ability to mutate traits and abilities based on their consumption of enemies. When the Kroot Mercenaries army list came out in a Chapter Approved I created a large Kroot Mercenary army that included many conversions (such as jump infantry with wings) and even took them to compete in one of Games Workshops Grand Tournaments in 2003. Sadly, while the army was fun to make and play, it was not very competitive and I placed somewhere near the bottom.
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