where can I download Wanted: The Half-breed by Bobbi Smith audio find store price download

where can I download Wanted: The Half-breed by Bobbi Smith audio find store price download

where can I download Wanted: The Half-breed by Bobbi Smith audio find store price download

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Book description
After working as a department manager for Famous-Barr, and briefly as a clerk at a bookstore, Bobbi Smith gave up on career security and began writing. She sold her first book to Zebra in 1982. Since then, Bobbi has written over 40 books and several short stories. To date, there are more than five million of her novels in print. She has been awarded the prestigious Romantic Times Storyteller of the Year Award and two Career Achievement Awards. Her books have appeared on numerous bestseller lists. When shes not working on her novels, she is frequently a guest speaker for writers groups. Bobbi is mother of two sons and resides in St. Charles, Missouri with her husband and three dogs.
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