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I dont know if you are allowed to curse on this website or in a review but I am just going to use the word duck to substitute that very strong meaningful word that i assume everyone should know. WHAT THE DUCK? Like honestly. Okay first let me say that I loved Unremembered so much, like seriously its one of my favorite books of all time. It was just so action-packed and filled with romance, who could not find it to be thrilling and just incredible? I get to this book and the beginning I am feeling it. I love how Zen and Sera end up in the year that they promised each other as in-scripted on the locket, 1609. I loved seeing the different scenery, and i loved seeing them live this old fashion life together as a couple. But they were troubles because Sera still could not erase her mind of the Diotech and Alixter and the memories and fear haunted her brain giving her nightmares and just making her a mess. Let me just say I loved the beginning, I couldnt wait for Zen to fulfill his promise to Sera, but it hit me so hard when he fell ill and everything changed. Her marking was revealed and they called her a witch and she was said to be burned after her obviously failed trial. That part was still good, it just hurt to read I was so upset that Zen was falling ill and I was afraid there was nothing she could do to stop it and now they were getting separated. Okay now let me talk about Kaelen. Yeah, the guys gorgeous, perfect and whatever but hello he is created by science? Just like Sera, of course he is going to handsome and breath-taking but I think Sera seemed to miss the whole part about him coming there to take her new memories and to use her to get the cure then drag her back to Diotech when its all done. I think this slipped her mind a whole lot as she felt herself being drawn to him. The whole time I am basically like, I dont like this guy. I dont like this guy. Hes a fake. Hes a fraud. Dont trust him. But she repeatedly felt drawn to him and I was sick of it. He was touching her forehead to extract her new memories and use them to his advantage and get the information he was sent to get from ALixter. He was using her the whole time I dont care if he somewhat changed him in the end. I dont give a duck. She is meant to be with Zen and Zen only. And with the whole fact that she was getting drawn him, like what the duck? I will return to this matter later on in this rant. The parts I loved about this book, and there were alot of them, was her following the messages and memories that Maxxer left for here. I loved how she reunited with Cody and he was older and he had a kid and a wife! I loved that reunion so much! Definitely my favorite part to read! The whole video game thing was so cool adn realistic that I loved it sooo much! The more the story went on I began to lose hope that Zen would ever be cured. But they finally figured out that Cody was the key and they managed to get the numbers and time and place where Maxeer would be located. I loved how she was under the ocean in a submarine cool looking thing. At that point in the story, when Sera reunited wit her and all the information was spilled and brought to the table, it was soo much to take in. Like my brain was pounding and it felt like it was going to explode with information. It was alot to process but I managed to understand. She wanted Sera to become a part of some resistance group but in the end Sera refused. She just wanted the cure so it was kind of a waste of time. She went to find Rio, on the information that he is still alive and being held at the Diotech compound. I was really happy to hear and see that Rio is still alive, well unconscious but he is till breathing! I loved how he had a relationship with MAxxer and we find out that Maxxeer is Zens mom! And all that was really cool! I loved how she found out the location of the vials of cure in Rios memory with what his child. So in the end she manages to get the cure but find out Alixer is there too. Kaelen ends up betraying her but not quite because although he handed over the vials, he entered a state and gave one to Cody who gave it to Zen to make him wake up! I wish we seen more of that and Zen waking up but unfortunately we didnt. So he didnt fully betray her but whatever. So then she agrees to be taken by Alixter and erased of her memory to be compliant to him and because she knows Zen is safe. And in the end she is thinking of Zen as her memory is being erased. So now on to the part that i really ducking hate. I hate books like this where the female main character is torn between two guys and she ends up having feelings for both of them and she kisses both them. I understand some readers may find that interesting and scandalous but I ducking hate it. We are given this first book with the fact of Sera and Zen being together, their promised locket and that beautiful romance story is breath-taking. Then comes in this new character, Kaelen and I am like what the duck? I mean seriously. She constantly feels drawn to him and I understand that because we find out that they are basically the same so its natural for them to be drawn together that it is in their DNA and she cant prevent it from happening. Yeah I get it. The fact that she removes her shirt and he removes his shirt and she is lying with her face on his bare chest is repulsing. I had a never ending flow of angry tears. Seriously. I literally shut the book and went on my own rant to myself. All i was thinking was what a cheating whore, liar and skank. I am being honest. This book destroyed me and everything I thought between Sera and Zen. Zen is way too good for her, in my eyes she is a slut, seriously, and I am so mad right now writing this review. I just cant even right now. I feel like the next book since she is drawn to Kaelen by science, its in their nature, bound to happen, that their paths will cross again even with her erased memory and she will forget about Zen and I just want to know if that happens what is the point of the first book? Zen was the one who saved her from the horrible compound, who taught her and showed her love again, who gave her a promised future and who did everything from risking his life to saving her from those evil people. And I just think all Kaelen was what he promised ALixter all along he brought her back to Diotech and basically placed her in Alixers hands and said, Here you go. Yeah he saved Zen but Sera will never see him again. He is trapped in that year with Cody. I just.... Im going to stop. If anyone wants to argue, please write me! I am so heated right now by this book. Jessica Brody you are a brilliant writer, honestly but Im just so mad about how it turned out! But some people love Kaelen better than Zen and I just cant like him. Zen is the one. And now my feelings are forever changed because even if Sera ends up with Zen, I will forever remember what she did and how she cheated on Zen. He doesnt deserve and I am just so disappointed. This book made me crazy! But overall really good action and plot line just not the whole romance and relationship part between Sera and Zen and Kaelen. My final thoughts. I end my rant.
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