where can I download Two Dumb Jocks by Jeff Erno (Goodreads Author) eReader via full english book

where can I download Two Dumb Jocks by Jeff Erno (Goodreads Author) eReader via full english book

where can I download Two Dumb Jocks by Jeff Erno (Goodreads Author) eReader via full english book

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Book description
Rejected by his family for coming out, Bryan Helverson boards a plane for Tampa, Florida, where he plans to attend college. Brett and Jeffs family embrace him when he arrives, and his new “brothers,” Adam and Trevor, help him assimilate into the community. While playing tennis with Trevor at the country club, Bryan meets aspiring pro tennis player Greg Lewis. But after a few minutes it’s easy to see the arrogant jock is not on Bryan’s menu, and he quickly dismisses the man. Forgetting he ever met Greg is not an option, though, when Bryan is hired as a waiter at the country clubs restaurant, and Greg is assigned to train him. Unexpected romance blossoms just as Bryan discovers one of Gregs ex-boyfriends also works at the restaurant. Greg is not the person Bryan first took him for, though. His true ambition is to become a doctor. And as their romance grows serious, Bryan discovers Greg’s mom suffers from the same debilitating depression that plagues Bryan. Unfortunately, just as Bryan is making giant strides with managing his depression, Greg’s ex—as manipulative as he is abusive—takes a battered Bryan back to point A and threatens to destroy his relationship with Greg.
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