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-Im going to just come right out and say it: Mervyn Peake is the greatest writer of the English language the world has ever known. There. I said it, and I cant take it back. Its out there now, floating on the interwebs, for the world to disagree with. But at this point, I dont care if the world disagrees with me; Im tuning the naysayers out with my rightness. Obviously I havent read every writer of the English language, so there is the possibility that Im wrong; but, even if I am wrong, I will still claim Im right, as my mind simply cannot comprehend otherwise. My reviews of the first two books were relatively short and sweet, yet I feel this book requires some additional discussion to flesh out properly, as it is admittedly a rather problematic book to review. Fans of Mervyn Peakes work will staunchly support the quality, and merits, of the the first two books, Titus Groan and Gormenghast, yet Titus Alone has generated more mixed reactions, even among Peake fans. Some claim it is disjointed, and the unfortunate product of a mind wracked by a horrid disease. Some will even go so far as to deem it unreadable, and will recommend simply sticking with the the first two books.I realize I am in the minority opinion when I say this, but I wholeheartedly disagree with the negative assessment of Titus Alone. I dont see it as the product of a warped and crippled mind, I see it as the product of a terrifyingly focused mind. I dismiss the claims of it being unreadable as it is actually quite the page-turner. In fact, I might even go so far as to say that this book is my favorite of them. Now, I dont mean to say that I think it is better written; Gormenghast is my single favorite, and is the *cough* Peak of the series. Yet, within the context of the two previous novels, Titus Alone is, for me, somehow more grand. By themselves, Titus Groan and Gormenghast can stand alone as crowning masterpieces, whereas the glory of Titus Alone almost depends upon the previous two. Without them, the critics would be right, and it would be a stumbling, disjointed collection of ravings from a mind in its death throes; with them acting as support beams, however, this third book becomes a wonder.Titus Alone is undoubtedly a deviation. It is strange, weird, and crazy; but that, to me, is the point. It doesnt read like the first two books because it isnt meant to; instead, it is meant to pull the rug out from under our feet, and it succeeds in doing so admirably. As the title of the book says, our only physical link to the first two books is Titus. He is alone, and so too are we. Succumbing to his youthful longings, he leaves his life of comfort, tradition, and certainty in an attempt to become his own man, and to find his own way in the world. Yet, the world he finds is one he is wholly unprepared for, and neither are we. He is meant to be a castaway in this book, to be confused, scared, and restless; we too share these burdens, and Peake forces the reader along on this wild ride. Many might notice that the frequency, length, and presence of Peakes signature descriptive passages are less pronounced in this book. It moves faster, and gives us less insight into the strange new world into which we are thrust. I would argue that this is also the point. Even during scenes of heavy action in the first two novels, Peake takes the time to paint to the reader the small details surrounding it; the reader is allowed to become familiar with the unique characters, the ever-important surroundings, and get the feel for every pore, crack, and stone of the setting. With Titus Alone, we lose our insight. Entire landscapes zip past us through glimpses in windows, people are different, and our introductions are quick and problematic. The world is as strange to us, as it is to Titus.The setting and narration of the first two books is inextricably bound to, and by, the crumbling, timeless walls of Gormenghast castle. Gormenghast might as well be in a snow-globe, as time seems to stand still. Peake describes Gormenghast castle as being ponderous, and so too is the space and time which it inhabits. The rest of the world may be moving right along for all we know, yet Gormenghast is all and is somehow removed from time. Between this book and the previous, Titus breaks the barrier between the two worlds, and with it, our previous conceptions of space and time. Within the walls of Gormenghast castle, the focus is on the past, on tradition, on predetermined fate; yet in Titus Alone, we are exposed to a world with a focus on the future, on self-determination, and innovation. The true genius of Peake, is that he shows us the folly of casting away one set for another. Can we truly be free without losing ourselves? Can we discard our past in order to create our own future, or is our past an essential part of who we are? In this book Peake demonstrates an overcompensation of the future over the past, of youthful passion over wisdom, and as a result he forces the reader to accept that to do so makes us lose sight of the present. Suppressed by Gormenghast Titus cannot become his own man, yet to abandon it, and the seventy-six earls before him, means a very loss of identity. And perhaps, madness.Which leaves us with Peakes most provocative exploration in the book: that Gormenghast itself may be something entirely different than we, or Titus, thought. I would describe the first two books to be dreamlike in their feel, yet the narration in Titus Alone seems much sharper, as though the readers eye-lense is finally coming into focus. Or is it the other way around? What does it mean for a place to be real? If nobody has heard of a place, and nobody can find the place, is it even a real place at all? Peake throws to us the idea that Gormenghast castle might truly be a fiction. He provides us with an... interesting resolution to this question, as Titus learns to categorize what is truly important to him, and what makes him, him. Yet, this book isnt meant to answer that question. It is meant to force Titus, and we readers, into something beyond the boundaries of these types of questions:Whether or not his home was true or false, existent or nonexistent, there was no time for metaphysics. Let them tell me later, he thought to himself, whether I am dead or not; sane or not; now is the time for action. And indeed the action happens. Beyond ours, or Titus ability to handle in a comfortable way. I could easily blather on more about this book (let alone this series), so I will spare you any more musing, but I feel I need to underscore my point one last time. Titus Alone is not, in my opinion, the unfortunate ramblings of a madman, or the shadow of a novel that could have been. It is by no means unreadable. I believe it to be a masterful stroke, looking to the future of the envisioned series, and I think if Peake had been able to finish his work, we would be looking back on this book as a wonderful fulcrum upon which the story of Titus pivots.
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