where can I download The Wizardry Compiled by Rick Cook phone free kindle information audio

where can I download The Wizardry Compiled by Rick Cook phone free kindle information audio

where can I download The Wizardry Compiled by Rick Cook phone free kindle information audio

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Book description
Wiz Zumwalt thought his problems were over when he took out the City of Night and the Black League using his knowledge of computers to create a wholly different way to use magic. He never imagined how twisted up his happily ever after was going to get. With all those meetings for the Mighty, teaching new students, and dealing with general mayhem, he hasnt got time for his wife, let alone time to dig back into his magical experiment and really make it work. And time is something in short supply as the magical creatures of the world object to the use of Wizs new power, threatening a new war, and one humanity is not very likely to win. After Wiz is kidnapped by the remnants of the Dark League, its up to a team of programmers from Silicon Valley to figure out what Wiz was doing and build it correctly before everything crashes.Unlike the first book, where the hints of computer-wizardry never really got time to develop, this book digs into them full force. From hackers to project review meetings, the book explores how computer culture translates to real culture. And the result is frequently hilarious. I particularly enjoyed the various scenes where the team was trying to figure out Wizs code, with only the knowledge that Wiz is brilliant, if eccentric, and has a penchant for bad puns.Wiz gets a lot more development as well. Forced to withhold from any magic, he has to think of non-technical solutions to his problems. He realizes that not every problem needs magic to solve it, and he also faces how his own pride got him into this mess.Like the first book, the good parts of this plot are surrounded by mediocre writing. It really isnt hard to see the problems in Wiz and Moiras marriage, nor is it ever in doubt that theyll work out. The various traitors are far too easy to spot, all of the hints about Danny never go anywhere, and trying to read the book as a novel instead of a parody of a computer project will result in disappointment. Also, there were a horrible number of technical errors, particularly in regards to scene breaks. Someone would speak, and the next line would be from a completely random character in some other part of the world. It was usually obvious within two or three lines that the change had occurred, but it was still very jarring. Many of these errors occurred within the first few chapters, as well.Overall this was still an amusing read, particularly for those who have been in these kinds of projects. But the general weakness of the overall story would make me hesitate to recommend it to many people. I rate this book Neutral.
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