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> READ BOOK > Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease

> ONLINE BOOK > Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease

> DOWNLOAD BOOK > Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease

Book description

Book description
Breakthrough scientific research is finding that spices-even more than herbs, fruits, and vegetables-are loaded with antioxidants and other unique health-enhancing compounds. Studies of dietary patterns around the world confirm that spice-consuming populations have the lowest incidence of such life-threatening illnesses as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimers.Bharat B. Aggarwal, the worlds foremost expert on the therapeutic use of culinary spices, takes an in-depth look at 50 different spices and their curative qualities, and offers spice “prescriptions”-categorized by health condition-to match the right spice to a specific ailment.
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