where can I download The Skeleton King by Lauren Gilley (Goodreads Author) read original portable online information

where can I download The Skeleton King by Lauren Gilley (Goodreads Author) read original portable online information

where can I download The Skeleton King by Lauren Gilley (Goodreads Author) read original portable online information

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Book description
His club brothers call him the Money Man. Vice President Kingston Walsh is one of the most trusted members of the Lean Dogs MC. He’s thoughtful, quiet, and he’s all business. Who better to serve as guardian of the club’s skeletons?He never counted on the girl, but he’s not letting her go. She has skeletons too…Emmie Johansen has worked at the same horse farm all her life, and when the owner decides to sell, she’s crushed. Briar Hall is about to be sold to real estate developers, and she’s about to be out of a job, a home, and a purpose. Enter Walsh, and the Lean Dogs MC. Emmie thought losing the farm was the worst possible scenario. But when the club buys Briar Hall, and keeps her on as manager, she begins to unravel the farm’s dark secrets… and learns the true meaning of “outlaw.”The Skeleton King is the third full-length installment of the Dartmoor Series, and is NOT a standalone novel. This is a work of Literary Fiction, told from alternating points of view. Be sure to look for earlier books in the series: Fearless, Price of Angels, and Half My Blood. Book 4 coming soon.
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