where can I download The Second Trial by Rosemarie Boll (Goodreads Author) how download book tom tablet ebook

where can I download The Second Trial by Rosemarie Boll (Goodreads Author) how download book tom tablet ebook

where can I download The Second Trial by Rosemarie Boll (Goodreads Author) how download book tom tablet ebook

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Book description
Thirteen-year-old Danny never knew that his father was abusing his mother, until the day his father almost killed her. Now he finds himself in court as his mother fights to have his father kept in jail to keep the family safe. But Danny cant believe that his father is a danger to them, cannot reconcile the father he looks up to with the man who almost took his mothers life. When the limits of the justice system allow his father to be released, Dannys mother decides that he and his little sister must accompany her into hiding. They will go to another city and begin a new life, with new identities. And so begins the second trial, as everything that Danny has known is taken from him. How can he reconcile himself to this new life, where he has a new name, no friends and none of the comforts hes used to? As his mother struggles to support the family, Danny is torn between loving and hating her, blaming her for everything. In his anger he turns to the schools gang of bullies, but a young girl named Nixxie might be his way to find acceptance in this new life.
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