where can I download The Natural Paint Book by Lynn Edwards book epub online

where can I download The Natural Paint Book by Lynn Edwards book epub online

where can I download The Natural Paint Book by Lynn Edwards book epub online

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Book description
We are all increasingly aware of the dangers posed by conventional paints to our health and environment, but many of us remain unsure of the causes of paint toxicity and the natural alternatives.The Natural Paint Book bridges the information gap, offering an in-depth explanation of the differences between conventional and eco-friendly paints. Illustrated throughout with full-color photographs, the book provides complete instructions on how to make all-natural paints and finishes at home, using readily available ingredients such as clay, gelatin, linseed oil, and artist pigments.This comprehensive guide also shows how to create beautiful paint effects with simple tools such as sponges, paint rollers, newspaper, or foam. Guided by the authors expert design advice, you can choose from techniques such as colorwashing, marbling, and stippling to decorate in keeping with the style, age, and character of your home. Packed with information, The Natural Paint Book also contains an invaluable resource directory at the end.
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