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where can I download The Making of Toro: Bullfights, Broken Hearts, and One Authors Quest for the Acclaim He Deserves by Mark Sundeen finder pc amazon how read book

where can I download The Making of Toro: Bullfights, Broken Hearts, and One Authors Quest for the Acclaim He Deserves by Mark Sundeen

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Book description

Book description
Mark Sundeen receives a call from a big city publisher with an offer to write a book about bullfighting in Spain. Sundeen agrees, assuming that this is his best and last chance to follow the trajectory of his literary heroes, despite the fact that he has never been to a bullfight, doesnt speak Spanish, and is not even a particularly good reporter. After squandering most of the book advance, Sundeen cant afford a trip to Spain, so he settles for nearby Mexico. But the bullfighting he finds there is tawdry and comical, and theres little of the passion and bravery that hed hoped to employ in exhibiting his literary genius to the masses. To compensate for his own shortcomings as an author, Sundeen invents an alter ego, Travis LaFrance, a swashbuckling adventure writer in the tradition of Sundeens idol, Ernest Hemingway. When LaFrance steps in, our narrator goes blundering through the landscape of his own dreams and delusions, propelled solely by the preposterous insistence that his own life story, no matter how crummy, is worth being told in the pages of Great Literature. The Making of Toro is a unique comic classic and a sly, poignant tale of the hazards of trying too hard to turn real life into high art.
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