where can I download The King of Christmas by Carol Ann Duffy book epub online

where can I download The King of Christmas by Carol Ann Duffy book epub online

where can I download The King of Christmas by Carol Ann Duffy book epub online

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Book description

Book description
On a frosty winter evening, the Baron watches the snow fall. He is bored and worried. It will soon be Christmas and everything is too quiet. What can he do to bring excitement to the Manor? His wife, the Baroness, has an idea: he can appoint a King of Christmas, a peasant to take his place. And so begin 12 days of chaos, anarchy and merriment. Inspired by the medieval tradition of appointing a Lord of Misrule, Carol Ann Duffys warm and enchanting new Christmas poem takes us into a topsy-turvy world of festivity and celebration, where rules no longer apply. With beautiful full-color illustrations throughout, The King of Christmas is the perfect gift this festive season.
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