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where can I download The Jedi Academy Sourcebook by Paul Sudlow access review bookshop itunes free

where can I download The Jedi Academy Sourcebook by Paul Sudlow access review bookshop itunes free

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Book description
The resurrected Emperor is defeated, his Empire a crumbling ruin. As Leia Organa Solo and the New Republic government struggle to rebuild in the aftermath of this destructive conflict, Luke Skywalker begins his search for new Jedi students.But the battle against the Empires remnants is not over, as a new threat looms from within the dreaded Maw Installation ... a threat that could spell the New Republics doom.The secrets of the infamous Kessel Run, the Jedi praxeum on Yavin IV, the prototype Death Star, and the terrifying Sun Crusher are revealed here for the first time. The Jedi Academy Sourcebook contains detailed entries on the characters, events, technology, new Force powers, and long-lost Sith lore from Kevin J. Andersons thrilling novel trilogy.
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