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where can I download The Guardian by Rachel Allyson Stone tablet mobile book djvu read

where can I download The Guardian by Rachel Allyson Stone tablet mobile book djvu read

> READ BOOK > The Concubine

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Book description
The Concubine, by Norah Lofts, long overdue for reissue, is my own ideal of what a historical novel ought to be. As someone with a passionate interest in Tudor history in general and the dramatic story of Anne Boleyn in particular, I’ve been gritting my teeth at the plot absurdities of Philippa Gregory’s inexplicably best-selling The Other Boleyn Girl. (Basic fact: Mary Boleyn was the experienced ‘bad girl’ elder sister, NOT the innocent younger one — this has always been known !). Now at last I can offer people a better — and better-written — alternative. Lofts here does full justice to the mercurial and flamboyant personality of Anne Boleyn, as well as the complex true relationship between the sisters. Best of all perhaps is the way the author conveys the terrible vulnerability of what it meant to be Henry VIII’s queen. To say that the final chapters are profoundly poignant despite every reader’s already knowing how the book will end is a measure of Loft’s success.-Alan
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