where can I download The Art Of Critical Decision Making (Great Courses, #5932) by Michael A. Roberto access find acquire online buy

where can I download The Art Of Critical Decision Making (Great Courses, #5932) by Michael A. Roberto access find acquire online buy

where can I download The Art Of Critical Decision Making (Great Courses, #5932) by Michael A. Roberto access find acquire online

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Book description

Book description
12 hrs and 21 minsLearn to approach the critical decisions in your life with a more seasoned, educated eye with this fascinating 24-lecture series that explores how individuals, groups, and organizations make effective decisions. The heart of this accessible series is a thorough examination of decision making at three key levels. First, youll look at decisions made at the individual level, where, among the many things youll learn is that intuition is more than just a gut instinct and, in fact, represents a powerful pattern recognition capability. Then, youll explore decisions made at the group level, where youll try to answer the question of whether groups are smarter and more capable of making critical decisions than individuals. And finally, youll pull back to analyze organizational decision making, in which Professor Roberto demonstrates how some organizations have encouraged and reliably performed vigilant decision making in the face of risky scenarios. Whether youre the head of a Fortune 500 company, a government agency, or an everyday household, you constantly make decisions important to you and those immediately around you. These lectures offer you a toolbox of practical knowledge and skills that you can apply to various decisions - whether large or small - in your everyday life and work. Professor Robertos lively lectures are packed with useful anecdotes, tools, and advice designed to improve your own ability to make informed decisions. As you explore the intriguing process of making a good decision, youll strengthen your grip on individual theories of decision making and the situations that illustrate them. Disclaimer: Please note that this recording may include references to supplemental texts or print references that are not essential to the program and not supplied with your purchase.©2009 The Teaching Company, LLC (P)2009 The Great Courses
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