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where can I download Syren Song by Blaze Ballantine selling mobile read italian txt

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Book description
[Siren Ménage Amour: Ménage a Trois, M/F/M Shape-Shifter Romance]     Enlora is a Syren caught between two lovers: Kai, the shark god, who wants her for himself, and Damon the assassin who needs her help. How can she choose only one when her heart belongs to both? Both males want the Syren, but she’s unwilling, or unable, to make a choice between them. The trouble is, she wants them both. And they both want her. So what’s the problem? The problem is they are two stubborn, dominating males who are used to getting their way, but when it comes to the Syren, they are willing to cooperate if it means keeping her love. Can two dangerous alphas share one woman? The Syren thinks she can prove that love does tame the most savage beasts. In a compromise for her love, Kai and Damon find that three isnt always a crowd.      Siren Erotic Romance
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