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where can I download Symbolic Exchange and Death by Jean Baudrillard doc ebay book bookstore pocket

where can I download Symbolic Exchange and Death by Jean Baudrillard doc ebay book bookstore pocket

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Book description
Jean Baudrillard is one of the most celebrated and most controversial of contemporary social theorists. This major work, appearing in English for the first time, occupies a central place in the rethinking of the humanities and social sciences around the idea of postmodernism.It leads the reader on an exhilarating tour encompassing the end of Marxism, the enchantment of fashion, symbolism about sex and the body, and the relations between economic exchange and death. Most significantly, the book represents Baudrillards fullest elaboration of the concept of the three orders of the simulacra, defining the historical passage from production to reproduction to simulation.A classic in its field, Symbolic Exc
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