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where can I download Sunny Side Up- The Gritty Memoirs of a Crazy Chica (The Crazy Chica Book 1) by HollyKay Cronk torrent finder value tablet free

where can I download Sunny Side Up- The Gritty Memoirs of a Crazy Chica (The Crazy Chica Book 1) by HollyKay Cronk torrent finder

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Book description

Book description
Sunny Side Up-The Gritty Memoirs of a Crazy Chica is a true story 47 years in the making. This is the first book of a series called The Crazy Chica. Sunny Side Up begins with the childhood of a chubby little girl who, even at a very young age, had only one goal and that was to survive the life she had no control over. The book follows her, chronicling a marriage at 18 to the love of her life who battles a drug addiction and alcoholism. After 15 years, three children and constant upheaval, the relationship becomes violent and out of control. Someone very close to our “Crazy Chica” commits what she considered at that time to be the ultimate betrayal. Surviving the ordeal and relocating her family for the final time, her life begins to level out but not for long. Struggling with all the issues that come to light again she is betrayed. This is the final heartless act that brings to light the true inner workings of a figure in her life she should never have experience such hurt from. Throughout all the trials and tribulations, Crazy Chica holds steadfast in her beliefs and faith. Her sanity, however, was pushed to the extreme as the events that played out would be enough to put anyone in a strait jacket. Suffering silently trying to never let on what a mess she was, Crazy Chica begins to emerge from this “third” of her life to begin “putting things where they belong”. Feeling more like the “born loser” and not the survivor she wants to be, our Crazy Chica realizes that as long as the horrid story of her past is kept secret, it will own her. But if she tells her story she could turn the tables and own it.
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