where can I download Starke Naked Dead by Conda V. Douglas (Goodreads Author) phone free kindle information audio

where can I download Starke Naked Dead by Conda V. Douglas (Goodreads Author) phone free kindle information audio

where can I download Starke Naked Dead by Conda V. Douglas (Goodreads Author) phone free kindle information audio

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Book description
The gossiping women of the Widows Brigade in Starke, Idaho love a good scandal-this time its murder, and a stark naked corpse! Jeweler Dora Starke believes creating her own jewelry line with no money and no time is her biggest problem. Shes mistaken. When her estranged recluse dad shows up and thrusts a stolen, cursed necklace worth millions into her face and demands she sell it or hes dead, she knows this must be her biggest problem. Shes wrong. When she pursues her father to his mountain cabin and instead of dear old dad, discovers a stark naked corpse, shes certain shes found her biggest problem. Nope. Doras problems are just beginning...
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