where can I download Skinny Melon And Me by Jean Ure online look how to audio get

where can I download Skinny Melon And Me by Jean Ure online look how to audio get

where can I download Skinny Melon And Me by Jean Ure online look how to audio get

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Book description

Book description
I loved Skinny Melon and Me! Its set in a time when Doc Martens were fashionable, and revolves around one girls relationship with her sweet-yet-geeky hippie stepfather. Its set in a diary form, its easy to read, and its cute to see the girl begin to warm to Slimy Roland. The poor guy will do anything to impress her, and now I think hed be very likable, but you have to remember that the girl, Cherry, is only eleven. I think in that way it was probably true to eleven-year-olds. Roland wasnt cool so she didnt like him. Thats fair when youre that age.There are lots of cute picture messages which Slimy would push under Cherrys door, so theyre fun to interpret. Oh, and you get to see some letters her mum writes to a friend in Dallas. All the mum can talk about is Cherry Cherry Cherry, which vaguely annoyed me, but it gives you an adults perspective.Theres also a deadbeat dad to contend with. I dont know. Thanks to my stable home, I never had to go through parents divorcing or stepfathers or anything of the like. I still really enjoyed the book though. Maybe kids from broken families could get even more from it.
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