where can I download Shelter of Hope by Lyn Cote (Goodreads Author) shop read access flibusta information

where can I download Shelter of Hope by Lyn Cote (Goodreads Author) shop read access flibusta information

where can I download Shelter of Hope by Lyn Cote (Goodreads Author) shop read access flibusta information

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Book description

Book description
Struggling single mother Rosa Santos is deeply touched when volunteers band together to build her a home. With a waitressing job, community college and church, Rosa barely has time to help, let alone dream about a husband and father figure. But when handsome volunteer Marc Chambers hands her withdrawn young son a little hammer, her heart swells. Suddenly, her son is blossoming. But the closer she and Marc get, the more he pulls away. Why? Hes built her a shelter of hope. One she--and her son--pray hell take refuge within....
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