where can I download Scrapped Princess: A Tale of Destiny by Ichiro Sakaki look eng full story read

where can I download Scrapped Princess: A Tale of Destiny by Ichiro Sakaki look eng full story read

where can I download Scrapped Princess: A Tale of Destiny by Ichiro Sakaki look eng full story read

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Book description
This book really made me realize that Im not a fan of the so called “light novel” format.What you get in Scrapped Princess 1 is perfectly fine while it lasts, but it is over before anything really happens.Light Novels are supposedly intended to make those young adults and teenagers read, who usually don’t pick up a book or who have too short attention spans to finish a “real” novel. That is to say, the majority of the separate light novel volumes are extremely short. Fast readers will finish one within an hour or two. However, this doesn’t mean that a light novel series in its entirety has to be short. It simply means that many light novel series will have 10+ volumes, with the same amount of content that in form of a “normal” novel would maybe make up a trilogy. In the end, this also makes light novel series a lot more expensive.Well, back to Scrapped Princess. This first volume isn’t even an introduction. It is more like the first chapter of an introduction. You meet the three siblings, all of them pretty funny and likeable, they learn about Pacifica’s secret and they fight of the first wave of assassins. That’s it. This series has 13 volumes, but honestly, if they’re all like this, it could have probably been published in a single “normal” volume. Not to mention, a lot of the first two random assassins could simply have been cut out completely.As said, I do like the main sibling trio. They had some pretty funny interactions. And since the last part introduces the real antagonist (those who won’t go down after a single fight), I hope there will be more going on in book 2.
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