where can I download Scandal in Seattle by Nicole Williams (Goodreads Author) download fb2

where can I download Scandal in Seattle by Nicole Williams (Goodreads Author) download fb2

where can I download Scandal in Seattle by Nicole Williams (Goodreads Author) download fb2

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Book description
Revenge isn’t what the Eves are about. Justice is.But when Sienna Stevens leaves Miami for her Errand in Seattle as Ally Andrews, revenge is the only thing on her mind. A woman scorned is one thing, but Ally is something else altogether. She will not rest until the man who upended her world is brought to his personal and financial knees. She won’t settle for just upending his world in return. She’s going for full-blown annihilation.Ally’s barely in Seattle a day before complications arise. She begins making slips. She’s one error away from being pulled from the biggest Errand of her career when she comes face to face with Henry Callahan. Former lover. Current Target.Things just went from complicated to catastrophic.
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