where can I download Savannah by Linda Lael Miller (Goodreads Author) download book fb2

where can I download Savannah by Linda Lael Miller (Goodreads Author) download book fb2

where can I download Savannah by Linda Lael Miller (Goodreads Author) download book fb2

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Book description
For a dance-hall girl whos never had much luck with dreams, Springwater may hold the happiness she seeks. Savannah Rigbey has made a living pouring whiskey and singing in saloons since she was sixteen years old. Shes come to Springwater to take up her half-ownership of the local bar --but her work begins before she even sets foot in town. On the stagecoach to Springwater, a young girl goes into labor -- and Savannah, with her level head and steady hand, aids a gruff doctor in abating a crisis.Dr. Prescott Parrish has never met a woman like Savannah. Despite her rouge and bangles, she is a virtuous -- though decidedly stubborn -- woman, who ignites his most infuriating emotions. But behind his prickly exterior, Pres harbors painful memories of the Civil War, heartache that may be soothed by a new and fulfilling love. Slowly, Pres and Savannah begin to see each other for who they truly are, with masks removed -- and with passion flaring unexpectedly....
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