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where can I download Safar Nameh: Persian Pictures: A Book of Travel by Gertrude Bell fb2 ibooks

where can I download Safar Nameh: Persian Pictures: A Book of Travel by Gertrude Bell fb2 ibooks

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Book description

Book description
This book of Persian Pictures is the first published work of Gertrude Bell (1868 1926), the celebrated traveller, archaeologist, Orientalist and supporter of Arab independence. She first visited Persia in 1892, when a relative by marriage was British minister there, and published her impressions in a series of essays in 1894. Her subjects range from Roman ruins to Ottoman graves to shopping in the bazaars, and from the bustling life of cities to the isolation of the desert. Having studied the Persian language in preparation for her journey, she was able to enter into the life of the country, and especially of its women, more deeply than a casual visitor, and indeed her second publication was a free-verse translation of the fourteenth-century poet Hafiz. Bell captures a sense of delight at a mysterious land still marked by the traces of many of the great civilisations of the past.
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