where can I download Ready or Not by Melissa Brayden (Goodreads Author) online doc portable kindle wiki

where can I download Ready or Not by Melissa Brayden (Goodreads Author) online doc portable kindle wiki

where can I download Ready or Not by Melissa Brayden (Goodreads Author) online doc portable kindle wiki

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Book description

Book description
Sometimes wrong is extra right.Mallory Spencer is in charge. As the face of Soho Savvy, the advertising firm she owns with her three best friends, it’s important that she’s poised, polished, and put together. However, as she watches her friends couple up and settle down, she wonders about her own happily ever after. One thing’s for sure. It’s not going to happen with that blue-eyed bartender from Showplace. It’s irritatingly clear they couldn’t be more wrong for each other . . . or have more chemistry.Hope Sanders wants nothing more than to keep her head down and craft a better life for herself running everyone’s favorite nightspot. That means ignoring the groupies that flock to the bar to stare at her all night. However, an uptight brunette has snagged Hope’s attention and she knows a challenge when she sees it.A Soho Loft Romance
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