where can I download Principia Ketogenica: Compendium Of Science Literature On The Benefits Of Low Carbohydrate And Ketogenic Diets by A. Simmonds phone shop full version ipad download

where can I download Principia Ketogenica: Compendium Of Science Literature On The Benefits Of Low Carbohydrate And Ketogenic Diets by A. Simmonds phone shop full version ipad download

where can I download Principia Ketogenica: Compendium Of Science Literature On The Benefits Of Low Carbohydrate And Ketogenic Diets

> READ BOOK > Principia Ketogenica: Compendium Of Science Literature On The Benefits Of Low Carbohydrate And Ketogenic Diets

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Book description
Confused as to whether theres any science regarding low carbohydrate high fat diets and their healthfulness? With hundreds of citations of research papers and scholarly journal articles from over the past century, addressing 15 major health and fitness topics covering over 100 general subjects, this is the most comprehensive scientific coverage of the myriad health outcomes of ketosis, high fat diets, and carbohydrate restriction in general. A must have for anyone who wants all the evidence from the last century in their pocket. Content Overview: - Very Low Carbohydrate and Ketogenic Diet Studies - General Ketosis and Significant Carbohydrate Restriction - Low to Moderate Carbohydrate Restriction - Animal Studies - Heart Disease, Metabolic Disorders, Blood Lipids, Cholesterol - Diabetes - Weight Loss - Exercise and Performance - The Brain, Neurodegenerative Disease, Epilepsy, Cognition, Depression - Hunger and Appetite Regulation - Muscles, Bones, and Body Composition - Cancer - Organs - Hormones - Carbohydrates Role In Human Nutrition - References Every section has literature ordered chronologically, with all references including links to the original papers for those inclined toward further research. Subjects involved: - Acne - Advaced glycation end-products (AGE) - Aging - Alzheimers - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS/Lou Gehrig’s) - Anti-oxidants - apoB, apoB/apoA-1 ratio, apoC-III, apoE - Appetite regulation - Atherosclerotic progression - Autism - Behavioural disorders - Beta-amyloid protection - Bipolar disorder - Blood glucose control - Blood pH - Blood pressure - Bone mineral density - Brachial artery flow-mediated dilation - Cachexia (wasting syndrome) - Calcium balance/excretion - Cancer, avoidance, progression, survival - Cardiovascular disease - Cataracts - Cerebral function (problem solving etc) - Cholesterol - Cognition - Cortisol - Creatinine - Depression - Diabetes - Dyslipidemia - Endurance - Energy expenditure - Epilepsy - Fat vs non-fat loss - Fatigue - Fatty liver disease - Free radical formation - Gall bladder and stones - Glucose trasporter 1 (GLUT-1) deficiency syndrome - Glutathione - Glycogen usage - Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) - Hepatic lipase - High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) - Homeostatis model analysis-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) - Homocysteine - Huntington’s Disease - Hypercapnia (elevated blood CO2) - Hyperglycemia - Hyperinsulinemia - Hyperlipidemia - Hypertension - Hypoglycemic functionality - Insulin resistance, response, sensitivity - Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) - Insulin:glucagon ratio - Ischemia (blood supply restriction) - Kidney disease - Lactate production - Lecithin—cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) - Leptin - LH/FSH ratio - Lifespan - Lipoprotein lipase - Liver function - Low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol/particle sizes - Medication reduction/removal - Metabolic syndrome - Migraines - Mitochondria energy, number, density - Mood stability - mtDNA
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