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where can I download Powers by James A. Burton download finder ipad reader tom

where can I download Powers by James A. Burton download finder ipad reader tom

> READ BOOK > Powers

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Book description

Book description
Albert Johannson lives off the grid. Hes forgotten more than he remembers about his past, but those snippets hes retained tell him two things: hes lived a long, looong time and he doesnt trust anyone, particularly gods. Hes not any too fond of demons either, particularly the one that materializes in his kitchen wanting to hire him for a special mission. Its as deadly to cross a demon as to deal with him, so Albert reluctantly agrees to investigate, putting him in the path of a prickly arson detective named Melissa el Hajj with trust issues of her own. Clashing at a crime scene, they uncover a broken seal that seems ancient enough to have been forged by Solomon himself. The seal cries out to Albert that he must mend it or something dark and dire will happen. Albert, who has a special affinity for metal, must first discover exactly what that will do to his kind - and hes only just beginning to understand who and what he really is.
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