where can I download Pieces of the Puzzle by Jennifer Fowler (Goodreads Author) find download shop iBooks epub

where can I download Pieces of the Puzzle by Jennifer Fowler (Goodreads Author) find download shop iBooks epub

where can I download Pieces of the Puzzle by Jennifer Fowler (Goodreads Author) find download shop iBooks epub

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Book description

Book description
A vial of liquid that bestows immortality, clues to the greatest treasure known to mankind, a talisman meant to open a portal to another dimension; each are pieces of a puzzle that begins when King Gilgamesh’s renowned quest to The Far Away goes awry. When the secret to immortality is stolen, six larger than life heroes must fight ruthless villains to protect a treasure that will either save or destroy the world. And in the midst of the adventure, they realize a mysterious figure from the future knows about them and has an important message for them to unlock.As the quest takes the heroes all over the ancient world, from distant China and Caral to the Indus and Egypt, the non-stop action of intrigue, pirates, kidnappings, and natural disasters will have the reader clamoring for the next novel.
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