where can I download Photography Essentials: Full Frame by David Noton pc read value kickass francais

where can I download Photography Essentials: Full Frame by David Noton pc read value kickass francais

where can I download Photography Essentials: Full Frame by David Noton pc read value kickass francais

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Book description
I am a huge fan of David Notons work, and have been following his photography journey for years. Photography Essentials: Full Frame is his second book, and it is a must-read for any landscape or travel photographer as David simply lets you into his life and his photographic adventures, sharing knowledge and experience in a way not many photography writers do. When I was reading the book I felt as if I was sitting around the fireplace with David and Wendy, listening to their amazing stories, sharing a bottle of red. And that is Davids writing - very casual, very witty, warm and honest. Davids writing really shortens the distance between him, the true master of landscape photography, and his reader. He has a fantastic sense of humor and is not afraid of making fun of himself either. I found myself laughing quite a few times through the book (one of my favourites would be Davids observations on encountering other landscape photogs on location, you can read it in the chapter on Canada). This book is filled with information. What I loved about it that you actually dont even notice that you learn something new, you just read another anecdote about Davids travels when he effortlessly inserts a priceless piece of knowledge on exposure calculation, and this new information is now recorded in your brain. You can find so many details interwoven into these stories, from what to wear on location to how David backs up his files and what his post processing workflow is, etc etc, plus encyclopedic data on the variety of things (now I know what mountain scene is printed on Canadian twenty dollar bill, and when we were there I didnt even notice it!). There are hundreds of Davids beautiful photographs in the book, accompanied by camera, lens and exposure information. Photography is breathtaking. I would say this is both the coffee table book filled with images that you can admire while relaxing on the couch with a glass of red, and photography instruction book absolutely packed with Davids experience and knowledge. I highly recommend it to any travel/landscape photographer.
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