where can I download Pearls of Wisdom: Gems From the Journal Black Pearl by James A. Eshelman read italian buy touch direct link

where can I download Pearls of Wisdom: Gems From the Journal Black Pearl by James A. Eshelman read italian buy touch direct link

where can I download Pearls of Wisdom: Gems From the Journal Black Pearl by James A. Eshelman read italian buy touch direct link

> READ BOOK > Pearls of Wisdom: Gems From the Journal Black Pearl

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Book description

Book description
Back in the 70s and 80s James Eshelman launched a magixine called the black pearlIt contained article based on Crowleys Thelemic philosophy as revealed to him by Aiwass while staying in Cairo. Many of the articles are accessible for the neophyte and newbie as well as article geared toward the more advanced practitioner. This book is a compendium of articles taken from that period. The article are informative and enlightening and I plan on reading more of Eshelmans works.The article inform the reader on the basics of philosophy regarding Thelema, instructions and history on how to perform rituals, Kabballah , sex magic. Tarot and personal anecdote . This is a great book for both beginner and advanced. I will advice the newbie to Ceremonial magic to also read Modern Magic by Donald Michael Kraig. The more advanced can use this book as a launching pad into higher spirituality as it reveals thing never before revealed.
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