where can I download Our Love by Sheena Binkley (Goodreads Author) spanish information doc read prewiew

where can I download Our Love by Sheena Binkley (Goodreads Author) spanish information doc read prewiew

where can I download Our Love by Sheena Binkley (Goodreads Author) spanish information doc read prewiew

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Book description

Book description
Charlie Perry is faced with a huge dilemma. After having an altercation with a classmate, she is given an ultimatum- transfer schools or face criminal charges. When Charlie is left with no choice but to transfer, she steps into Belmont High not knowing what to expect, especially when she crosses paths with Michael Collier.Michael Collier is the most popular guy at Belmont. He can practically have any girl he wants, but when he sets his brown eyes on Charlie, he is instantly hooked, wanting to know more about the honey-colored beauty.But when secrets from each other’s pasts begin to surface, will the two be able to find their way to each other, or keep them apart for good.(This book is considered mature YA/NA and contains mature subject matter, including mild violence, alcohol use, and sexual language/situations).This title is no longer available for sale.
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