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where can I download Oonagh by Mary Tilberg purchase cheap free writer library

where can I download Oonagh by Mary Tilberg purchase cheap free writer library

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Book description
In 1831, eighteen-year-old Oonagh Corcoran emigrates with her sister from southern Ireland to Upper Canada. In the deep folds of cool, green forest off the vast inland sea of Lake Ontario, she believes she has found paradise ? only to discover that the New World harbours its own horrible injustices when she meets a fugitive slave from Virginia named Chauncey Taylor. Love grows between them as Chauncey slowly reveals his terrible past to Oonagh, reliving the pain and tragedy he and his family suffered as slaves. The two find that even in their small, accepting community, there are certain lines that can never be crossed. Based on historical research, Oonagh is both a powerful love story and a gripping tale that reaches deep into the secret heart of our nations past.
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