where can I download On Being a Teacher by Jonathan Kozol offline fb2 txt read download

where can I download On Being a Teacher by Jonathan Kozol offline fb2 txt read download

where can I download On Being a Teacher by Jonathan Kozol offline fb2 txt read download

> READ BOOK > On Being a Teacher

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Book description

Book description
This was outside of the usual Kozol experience. It reads like a kind of treatise for teachers in exile or teachers under oppression. In no small part, it feels like an encouragement to resist the man and his machinations in the schools. There were parts I found valuable, but I also felt like I was being encouraged to live in a constant state of outrage and to introduce my students to that outrage. I dont think outrage is productive and, although I very much want them to learn to think deeply and freely, I am not willing to sell outrage to my students for the sake of my own satisfaction.
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