where can I download Old-Time Music and Dance: Community and Folk Revival by John Bealle amazon free ebook touch francais

where can I download Old-Time Music and Dance: Community and Folk Revival by John Bealle amazon free ebook touch francais

where can I download Old-Time Music and Dance: Community and Folk Revival by John Bealle amazon free ebook touch francais

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Book description

Book description
In the summer of 1972, a group of young people in Bloomington, Indiana, began a weekly gathering with the purpose of reviving traditional American old-time music and dance. In time, the group became a kind of accidental utopia, a community bound by celebration and deliberately void of structure and authority. In this joyful and engaging book, John Bealle tells the lively history of the Bloomington Old-Time Music and Dance Group--how it was formed, how it evolved its unique culture, and how it grew to shape and influence new waves of traditional music and dance. Broader questions about the folk revival movement, social resistance, counter culture, authenticity, and identity intersect this delightful history. More than a story about the people who forged the group or an extraordinary convergence of talent and creativity, Old-Time Music and Dance follows the threads of American folk culture and the social experience generated by this living tradition of music and dance.
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