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Book description
4.75starsWe are thyla, Jim. You are meant to belong to me, and I to you. It does not matter in what form, or from what world, we come.I find myself so, so in love with this story and increasingly in love with kyliselles writing. kyliselle makes this a very interesting, and vastly amusing, take on the concept of alternate realities and the possibilities they present. I cant even begin to express how I feel about this fic, how much I adore it, how happy I am that unlike the two previous fics by kyliselle Ive read - How High the Moon and Shine Like the Sun - this one doesnt deal with any angst alright theres a tiny bit of angst, if you squint and read slowly enough that it takes them a while to set things right; that instead with the alternate reality Jim finds himself a part of there is no such angst from all of Spocks misunderstandings and Jims pinning for a Spock he so desperately wants. In Oasis kyliselle offers a different take on their developing relationship, one that only hints at all the angst they could so easily experience and that answers Jims uncertainty with unwavering faith on Spocks part for their being thyla in any reality they encounter, that their bond runs so deep the alternate cannot possibly be true. Thatd be illogical yo.Favorite Quotes:Computer, pull up the following files, Kirk barked, as soon as he was in his quarters. James Kir - holy shit. The name James Kiroly Shit has no entry in the database. Is it too soon for an I told you so? McCoy asked, appearing at Kirks bedside.Funny. Nice to know that no matter the universe, McCoy would bust his balls.Kirk waited for Spock to continue. After a moment, he realized he was supposed to be surprised. No way, he said, trying to sound shocked.Court me?Yes, I - Spock straightened up, the thought of courting Kirk seeming to revive him. I could court you.Courting? Kirk squeaked. He pointed at the bodies. Thats not courting! Thats assault and battery!Its actually difficult not to just quote the entirety of Spock courting Jim; so many moments had me laughing aloud and swooning at how utterly cute it all is.Is ok, Chekov said, relaxing a little now that Spock was gone. He is wery impressive, actually. Wery scary. You should keep him. You vould be safest man in galaxy. Kirk rubbed his temples in frustration. Spock, you cant just go around putting grown men to sleep with your mind!I most certainly can. Do you wish me to demonstrate?Fucking hot, his dick offered.Youre NOT helping, Kirk fired back.Warrior Vulcan gifts? Was that adorable or terrifying? Kirk didnt know.Adorable, clearly. As is everything about this.Alright Im gonna try to not quote this anymore and just keep reading (yes, quoting/updating the list in the review as I go; thats always the best way, and otherwise Id be constantly making status updates for this and taking over peoples feeds, so...) which will be both easy - its so good! - and really hard - this story is so good!--And now to immediately go on to Mirage because I so need to read about ST2009-Abrams-reality!Spock and the Kirk that got transported to his universe over the course of this story.Note:-some typos-not quoting jealous!Spock is incredibly difficult but I managed so I absolutely deserve a medal for my restraint-you should totally go read this story!
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