where can I download Nonduality: A Study in Comparative Philosophy by David R. Loy epub download free

where can I download Nonduality: A Study in Comparative Philosophy by David R. Loy epub download free

where can I download Nonduality: A Study in Comparative Philosophy by David R. Loy epub download free

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Book description
Many Western philosophers are poorly informed about the issues involved in nonduality, since this topic is usually associated with various kinds of absolute idealism in the West, or mystical traditions in the East. Increasingly, however, this topic is finding its way into Western philosophical debates. In this scholarly but leisurely and very readable (Spectrum Review) analysis of the philosophies of nondualism of (Hindu) Vedanta, Mahayana Buddhism, and Taoism, Loy extracts what he calls a core doctrine of nonduality of seer and seen from these three worldviews and then applies the doctrine in various ways, including a critique of Derridas deconstructionism.
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